How to playingAngklung (Part2)

At least there are two most common ways of playing a musical instrument Angklung, by digatarkan and beaten (pronounced dotted or centok). Here are presented bberapa techniques that can be used to play Angklung well. thrilling Angklung Angklung pronounced with a long vibrated according to the tone being played. End-sounding break up, Beaten (Centok) Angklung not vibrated, but hit end of the tube bottom (horizontal) by the palm of his right hand to produce centok (like the sound of blows). It is...

How to to playing Angklung (Part 1)

GUIDE TO PLAY Angklung preliminary prologue Angklung music instrument itself according to the historical record has been played for a long time in Indonesia, particularly in Java and Bali with the arrangement of five-tone tone (pentatonic). Angklung dimaikan reputedly used as both a musical instrument or for the festival. However, since 1938, Father of Angklung Daeng Soetigna have rearranged the order angklung in tone diatonic (seven-tone) chromatic scale, so from that time can play music Angklung...

tips on choosing the size djimbe

hi bloggers ... following my review a few tips if you want to buy a djembe, may be useful djembe size The djembe drum size you require will depend on your own size, level of ability, and, of course, the musical purpose of the drum. Djembe drums can be played whilst sitting down and also standing up - with the aid of a djembe strap. Adults should, generally speaking, have larger drums where the heads are 12 inches or more. Young people should have the smaller drum, with head sizes of 7 to 10 inches....

Traditional Rope Tuned or Modern Key Tuned Djembe?

djembe-repair in buy selecting a djembe, you should be aware of which of the two species in terms of how the djembe own sounds. There are two settings Djembes - rope tuned and adapted to large systems. A brief description of each type of system and construction: Rope Tuned Traditional djembes are all lined with ropes, so it is really the original form of the drum. A rope tuned djembe placed increased or decreased in height by a thin rope over the edge of the djembe. These strings of horizontal...

Traditional musical instruments from Chinese

Traditional musical instruments from Chinese In the early days of the Chinese people, there was a musical instrument. The first Chinese musical instrument was developed by Fu Xi (pronounced "Shye Fu") was created. Fu Xi is one of the initiators of the Chinese race and culture. He also created the Bagua (eight characters). His life is at least 5000 years.  Fu Xi chose the log-Tong Wu (Chinese parasol tree or Phoenix) on the instrument. Phoenix does not stay on the trees except the tree Tong...

definition of traditional music

Traditional music is the term used increasingly (eg the Grammy Awards) for folk music, folk music, not contemporary. More information can be found in the Terminology Section of products of world music. Other organizations have made similar changes, although it has been customary, traditional music remains as "folk" to refer. Defining characteristics From the historical point of view, the traditional music of these characteristics: • It was through oral tradition. Before the twentieth century, ordinary...


children playing Angklung Angklung Angklung is a traditional musical instrument from West Java Indonesia, made of bamboo, which sounded shaken by (the sound caused by the clash of bodies bamboo pipes) so as to produce a sound that vibrates in the arrangement of tones 2, 3, and 4 tones in every size, large and small. Barrel (tone) musical instrument Angklung as Sundanese traditional music is mostly salendro and pelog. UNESCO, THE UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, has recognized...


SaluangTraditional musical instruments from Indonesia Saluang From Minangkabau Indonesia Saluang is a traditional musical instrument Minangkabau, West Sumatra Indonesia. Which wind instrument made of thin bamboo or chamfer (Schizostachyum brachycladum Kurz). Minangkabau people believe that the best material to be made Saluang derived from the gutters to clothesline fabric or gutters that are found drifting in a river. These tools include the class of musical instrument flute, but it is simpler...

Kulintang or Kolintang

KulintangTraditional musical instruments from Indonesia Kulintang also Kolintang, Kulintangan, Totobuang is a percussion instrument that belongs to the idiophones and consists of small, horizontally lined up humpback gong. During this decisive carry the melodies of the songs, they are accompanied by larger, hanging gongs and drums. As part of a widespread gong and chimes culture in Southeast Asia Kulintang music groups play for centuries in the regions of the eastern Indonesian archipelago, in...


Karinding Traditional musical instruments from Indonesia Karinding Karinding is one of the traditional wind instrument Sunda Indonesian nation. There are several places which is famous as the origin of the creation of this Karinding, in the village citamiang, pasirmukti tasikmalaya and lewo Malangbong Karinding arrowroot is made from tree bark kawung materials (palm tree). In contrast to the limbangan and wax ci bandung, Karinding made of wooden splinters a tree. Karinding yore used by women...


Didgeridoo Traditional musical instruments from Australian The didgeridoo (also known as a didjeridu or didge) is a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia at least 1,500 years ago and is still in widespread usage today both in Australia and around the world. It is sometimes described as a natural wooden trumpet or "drone pipe". Musicologists classify it as a brass aerophone. There are no reliable sources stating the didgeridoo's exact age. Archaeological studies...

West Java Art & Management

West Java Art & Management "Prologue"Dwikarya Mediatama.cvBackground Arts and cultural space at this time very dynamic moves, rhythm rate of development of science and technology. It is undeniable artistic and cultural products are diverse in form, shape and medium to bloom and grow in a heterogeneous public spaces and interlinked with each other. Arts and cultural products into a concrete manifestation of the interpretation, expression and appreciation of art and cultural actors with lovers...