Sunday, April 22, 2012

Music group Sambasunda

Sambasunda Concert
Sambasunda is a group of traditional music, creations, and contemporary with a beautiful virgin and captivating vocalist, Rita Tila, look attractive with a passionate performance and attractive in Bentara Culture Jakarta (BBJ)

Sambasunda a unique group of traditional music, musical instruments combine the various elements of traditional cultural backgrounds are diverse. Of traditional classical music that characterizes the strength of urban energy Bandung of today, to explore the flavor of traditional music, contemporary cultures of other regions in Indonesia.

Traditional music group was able to give a sense of musical color, from the sound of gongs, bamboo flutes toot complete harmony with the beat of percussion, to the unique vocals, which are known as senggakan; sung by improvisation. Sambasunda music group is bringing a new breath of the pulse dynamics of Sundanese gamelan gamelan musical instruments, combined with the angklung, by combining a variety of traditional music. Here they also bring music keroncong Jakarta, jaipongan Sunda, kebyar music of Bali, as well as the samba rhythms of Brazil is full of provocative and dynamic.
Traditional music group leader Ismet Ruchimat Sambasunda this in turn brings a compelling and varied repertoire. Sometimes smart, but also flavorful melo is somewhat unique because the dynamics coupled with the beat of Sundanese gamelan music. Dynamics and eroticism Sambasunda traditional music is produced from a variety of percussion instruments, like drums Sunda, jimbe, drums and strings.

Live music featured on Bentara Sambasunda Culture Jakarta (BBJ) is titled "Culture Music Performing Bentara"; lively and successful. Despite Sambasunda music group presents diverse musical colors from various regions in Indonesia such as the traditional music of Java, Bali, and Sumatra; but the color of Sundanese traditional musical performance was strong in each of their music. Jaipong drums, flutes, kulintang, with cord and shrill violin played minor-cord, is an authentic musical colors that dominate the traditional Sundanese music.
Featured vocalist sensuality movement, Rita, harmonized by the sound of drums that smart, extraordinary acclaim and applause from the audience. Ismet Ruchimat admit, the music they present is grounded in the traditions, creations, and contemporary art are rooted in artistic penggarapannya traditional music of Indonesia.

Sambasunda music group domiciled and headquartered in London is in addition to live music performances (live), also produced a record album. Up to now Sambasunda has spawned six albums recorded, namely Rythmical People Sundanese, Balinese Gebyar Jaipong: Bajidor ancient (2000), Sunda, Bali: Millennium Ritual, Takbir and Shalawat, Salsa & Salse, and Sambasunda. In addition, they also open a music training workshops, performances, and conservation of traditional music; as well as dance and theater.

The name "Sambasunda" was introduced in 1998. In early 1990, they gave the name of this traditional music group "Prawara". But in 1997 the name was changed to CBMW Prawara, which is used to launch the debut album, Rhytmical in Sundanese People. Once inspired by one of the songs contained in Rhytmical in Sundanese People entitled "Sambasunda", the band changed their name to Sambasunda.

Sambasunda name itself is taken from the acronym "Samba" and "Sunda". Samba in the scope of Cirebon cultural significance as teenagers who are entering puberty. The name was taken from a Sundanese ethnic areas in West Java. Thus, the intrinsic meaning "Sambasunda" is full of youth spirit (moral) in developing the noble values of traditional art and culture of Indonesia.

Personnel background music Sambasunda this diverse group, which greatly affects the entire orientation filmed their music. Ability of their art is not only motivated by the educational traditions, but also supported by academics from various educational background arts colleges in Indonesia.

Existence and performance of traditional music group Sambasunda has several successful appearances at various events in the musical and abroad. Of which appears as the Best Performance in Multi-Cultural event of the Asian Music Festival in Colombo, Sri Lanka (1999). They also plan to do the show or performances of traditional music in several major cities in the country, including plans for overseas performances such as in Malaysia, the Netherlands, the United States, and Germany

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