Traditional musical instruments from Chinese

Traditional musical instruments from Chinese

In the early days of the Chinese people, there was a musical instrument. The first Chinese musical instrument was developed by Fu Xi (pronounced "Shye Fu") was created. Fu Xi is one of the initiators of the Chinese race and culture. He also created the Bagua (eight characters). His life is at least 5000 years.
Fu Xi chose the log-Tong Wu (Chinese parasol tree or Phoenix) on the instrument. Phoenix does not stay on the trees except the tree Tong Wu. Phoenix is considered the king of all birds of different species. While Fu Xi Wu-tongue as is the case in all the divine tree species, and it has the right kind of wood to a musical instrument, able to meet the elegant music to create it.
Fu Xi Cut the stem of the Wu-Tong in three segments. He knocked on the premium segment and found the sound was too bright. He knocked on the bottom and found the sound was too thick. So he took the middle segment that is not a tone too much and not too thick.
Fu Xi Cut the stem of the Wu-Tong in three segments. He knocked on the premium segment and found the sound was too bright. He knocked on the bottom and found the sound was too thick. So he took the middle segment that is not a tone too much and not too thick.

The following is a traditional musical instrument from china

Suona, a very expressive reed instrument with a conical metal bell, is very popular in China's vast countryside in funeral, wedding, and other celebrative occasions. Meanwhile, it is also an indispensable part of a number of local operas in Hebei, Shandong, Liaoning, Shandong, Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Guangdong provinces. 

Pipa, a four-string lute in pear shape, is an instrument that witnesses the cultural communication. The Pipa tunes have very diverse styles, and are traditionally classified as either Wen Qu (civil and mild tone) or Wu Qu (martial and fierce tone).

Erhu, a two-stringed fiddle, is one of the best-known traditional Chinese music instruments. Its music is usually very expressive and touching, especially when you feel down and blue. 

Banhu is mainly an accompanying instrument for various local operas in North China. Its construction is basically the same with Erhu, and the most noticeable difference is that Banhu uses a thick wooden board to cover the soundbox instead of snakeskin.

Zheng, or Guzheng is a kind of Chinese zither with movable bridges and 16 - 25 strings. It is one of the best-inherited ancient music instruments, and relatively more popular. What's more, Guzheng has been successfully incorporated in a lot of modern music like Chinese rock'n'roll. 

Guqin, literally meaning ancient ancient music instrument, is a seven-stringed zither without bridges. With a history of more than 3,000 years, Guqin music has been enlisted as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2003.

Xun, with a history of six to seven thousands years, is an earthen musical instrument, which can be categorized as a kind of ocarina. Its tamber similar to human voice, but emitting a very distant and primitive feeling, thus suitable for performing some lamenting aria. 

Is a Chinese traverse flute. Normally made of bamboo. There is also Dizi made of jade.

Pronounced as "Shyiao", a Chinese vertical end-blown flute. Normally made of bamboo. Its sound is thick, serious and peaceful. 

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Traditional musical instruments from Chinese


Andi Syam said...

nice traditional music friend

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