
Alphorn The alphorn is the Swiss national instrument and symbol of dairy farming. The alphorn is crooked like a fir grown on a hillside it resembles. The wooden mouthpiece facilitates the generation of natural sounds, which are touching and heart-warming. Since 1910, the Swiss Yodeling Association has promoted the alphorn tradition in courses. Instruments similar to the Alphorn (Australian Didjeridu, Bibilcal Shofar) have been in existance for nearly 100,000 years. The early instruments were...

Harp Guitar

Harp Guitar Greetings fellow guitar and harp guitar enthusiasts! The harp guitar that started it all for me is a Dyer Brothers symphony harp guitar that belonged to my great-grandmother’s second husband – Edgar Pierce. They were married for 50 years so I think of him as my great-grandfather, even though there’s not actually any blood relation. He played on Portland, Oregon’s first radio station in a band called the Hoot Owls. He also played in saloons in the Yukon during a gold rush earlyin...


Kalimba Africa Kalimba Drum The kalimba is a modern-day example of an ancient family of African musical instruments. Hugh Tracey, an Englishman who fell in love with African music over the course of his 50 year stay in Africa, started a company in the late 1950's called African Musical Instruments (AMI). AMI began shipping kalimbas with the western "Do-Re-Mi..." scale in the early 1960's, and now people all over the world are building and playing kalimbas. Also known as a thumb piano kalimba...


ARUMBA INDONESIA  Arumba is one kind of folk music that are almost in every region in West Java . The device is made of bamboo options like awi friends , rope and wulung ( black bamboo ) In between there is a set of angklung waditranya bertangga diatonic scales , because arumba music is an outgrowth of the angklung music has long been found in West Java, Indones...